My Online Writing

April 13, 2020

In addition to writing books, I write extensively online. Here are the blogs and other online venues where you can read my writing.

My Blogs

Go Go 2 Slow Go 

My wife, Madeline, and I have traveled around the world--literally! We've set foot on all seven continents. We've visited more than 50 countries. That includes hundreds of cities and thousands of attractions. And we're done not yet!

To document our travels, I started a blog. What's different about mine? It's a travel blog for older travelers. As we age, we go through three distinct mobility phases:

  • Go Go: You travel like you did when you were younger. You can walk or hike; endure long plane rides and are still up for almost anything.
  • Slow Go: You're slowing down. No more long days of walking; hopping out of Zodiacs or 15-hour plane rides.
  • No Go: Your travel is now limited to meeting up with family and seeing things local to your home. This stage also includes organizing the travel memories you've gathered over you travels and finding a way to share them with friends and family.

My blog focuses on the Go Go and Slow Go phases. I provide focused information on the places we've visited from a Boomer's perspective. But ultimately, travel is about experiencing and learning about the places we go. So anyone can enjoy our travels!

Preserving Family Memories

After my grandmother, uncle and mother-in-law passed, my wife and I ended up with a lot of family memories. We had more than 25 boxes of photos, journals, papers, newspaper clippings and memorabilia. And that was before we counted our own memories consisting of the same kinds of items, as well as boxes full of items from our kids' school and extracurricular activities saved over the years.

What do you do with all of this stuff? You can give it away to your kids, but they might not want it or worse fight over who gets what. You could sell it of give it away. But we were afraid those memories would disappear forever. And while our kids might not be interested in this stuff now, they might later as they get older and have their own kids. So we decided to preserve them, but do it in a way that cut down the boxes we had in the attic and garage and allowed us to share the memories with family and friends.

I began to digitize our memories. Digitization allows us to organize, preserve and share our family's memories. In doing so I learned a lot and came up with a system you can use to do the same: DOTAGE.

DOTAGE is six easy steps to find, organize, convert, record, store and secure and share your family’s memories.

  • Discovery: Find the memories you have or what you want to preserve.
  • Organization: Organize and store what you have or what you will create.
  • Transformation: Convert any analog material to digital.
  • Audio & Visual: Record audio or visual media for your stories and memories.
  • Guarding: Secure those memories by backing them up and locking them so you never lose them.
  • Enlightenment: Share your memories with friends and relatives now or after you're gone.

Writing about preserving my family's memories started in this blog. But I'm also working on a book about it.

PAK Systems 

Over the years I've worked as CIO in nine different companies. But I've also worked extensively as a consultant in several industries around the world. My IT consulting company, PAK Systems, outlines our services. I also write a blog about IT and business leadership. My goal is to address issue in the technology world and to provide some tips and advice on acting as a leader in your organization.

Other Online Places

I also write on other websites around the internet.


I've written hundreds of reviews on TripAdvisor. If you're looking for a short, concise review of a restaurant, hotel or attraction, check out my TripAdvisor reviews. If you're looking for an in-depth summary of an experience, check out my travel blog, Go Go 2 Slow Go.


Have a question? On any subject? Quora users have your answer. I write mostly about travel here. But if I come across a question I can answer, I do.


I've written a few posts for my LinkedIn profile. I admit I'm not very active on Linked In, but I occasionally write some pieces on leadership and business here. And I'll share other posts I find helpful.

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